
Magic Recipe Language

Use a language design specially for recipes

recip-lang was design with any kind of recipe in mind, whether you want to remember how to prepare a dish or a cosmetic, keep track of everything with recipeirum

Classic hummus

>> tags: vegan, high-protein, high-fiber >> lang: en Add {boiled chickpeas}(400 gr) to the &{blender} with {garlic}(1), {tahini}(2 tsp), {lemon}(1/2), {olive oil}(2 tsp), {salt} and {pepper}. Blend for t{3 minutes}. Serve or store.

Your recipes in one place

Thanks to the internet, it's never been easier to discover new recipes on the different platforms, but it's hard to keep track of them after using them. With recipeirum, you can collect them in a single place.

Save your favorite recipes

Did a friend share a recipe with you on reciperium? Save it to your collection and try it later.


Link to other recipes in your recipe

Clone other recipes

Improve recipe editor

Tutorial for recipe-lang

Playground for recipe-lang

Show recipe end result while writing it