Chickpea Tortilla
- Small Onion
- Half Sweet Potato
- Salt
- Tijm
- bunch of Spinach
- 3/4 taza Harina de garbanzo
- 1 tbsp Avena
- 1 tbsp Levadura nutricional
- 1 tbsp Salt
- 2 tbsp aceite oliva
- 1/2 taza agua
- 1 tsp Gochuyang
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Saltear in a pan Small Onion and Half Sweet Potato with Salt and Tijm. Add a bunch of Spinach after 5 mins. Cook around 5 more mins, until sweet potato is ready.
Mix Harina de garbanzo, Avena, Levadura nutricional and Salt.
Add aceite oliva, agua and Gochuyang.
Combine with the veggies and cook on both sides in a pan previously well heated and with a bit of oil 😋